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Internet Use and Romantic Reationships


Welcome to this research study!

In the Department of Social Psychology at the University of Granada, we are trying to examine the various psychological and relational processes that could influence the development of couple relationships. Only PEOPLE WHO HAVE MAINTAINED OR CURRENTLY MAINTAIN MAN-WOMAN COUPLE RELATIONSHIPS will be able to participate in the study.

Your task consists of answering a series of questions by selecting the answer option that best fits YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OR OPINION on the subject. Before you begin, you should consider the following points:

  • Your participation is voluntary; you will have the ability to withdraw from the study at any time and without having to give explanations.
  • Your answers to the following questionnaire will be coded using an identification number, so they will be totally anonymous.
  • The information obtained will be confidential and will not be used for any purpose other than research (Organic Law 3/2018 on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights).
  • There are no right or wrong answers. You are only asked to be as honest as possible in your answers.
  • The survey will take approximately 15 minutes. Please do not start the survey if you do not have enough time to complete it without distractions in one sitting and without breaks.
  • REMEMBER: For your answers to be valid, you must complete the questionnaire in its entirety. The survey ends when you read the sentence "Your answers have been recorded." 

If you have any questions regarding your participation in the study, please contact the researcher at the following email address: mdsanchezh@ugr.es.

Esta encuesta es anónima.

El registro de su respuesta en la encuesta no contiene ninguna información de identificación sobre usted, a no ser que una pregunta específica de la encuesta lo requiera.

Si ha accedido a esta encuesta mediante un código de acceso, por favor, no se preocupe porque ese código de acceso no se guardará con sus respuestas. Se guarda en una base de datos distinta y sólo será utilizado para indicar si ha completado, (o no ha completado) la encuesta. No existe ninguna forma de identificar las respuestas de la encuesta a partir de ese código.